Lillian Dickson was the wife of a missionary who decided to didn't want to be a missionary's wife but a missionary wife. She started clinics, schools, orphanages, treatment facilities for tuberculosis, black foot, and leprosy. She took in children off the streets and helped get young people out of jails and into productive jobs and homes. Any time she saw or was told of a problem among the people, she found a way to solve it. In the sixty years that she spent here she and her friends started hundreds of churches and showed many people the joy of Christ and lead them to the Savior's waiting arms. She was truly a role model for anyone who wants to serve God overseas. All this she did with a humble heart and tireless personal effort. She also raised a family of four children and supported her husband in his own mission work.

I was lent a copy of her biography Angel At Her Shoulder to read. I read the book quickly as I loved to hear all of the amazing things that she had done for the people here. When I finished the book I wanted to learn more about her and her work in Taiwan. The book was published in the 1960s and I wanted to know what has happened with her ministry, Mustard Seed Inc., in the last thirty years. There is very little information about her. She wrote a book but it is out of print. When you look her up in Wikipedia or Google, there are no results.
Eventually, I found the website for Mustard Seed Inc., now an international mission sending group who have work in every poor part of the world. They support millions of men, woman, and children. All of this came from one woman's desire to be the kind of Christian that God wants us to be; forsaking all for the gospel.
If you ever get a chance, check out Lillian Dickson. She was an amazing woman of God who should be remembered for the work she did for the Gospel.
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