Monday, March 30, 2009

Joyful Noise

In the past few weeks, the students at CELA have been practicing for the Easter Pageant they will present to their friends and family on April 11th. Each class will be acting out a part of the Passion week story as well as singing songs about Jesus. My class will be singing three songs: "I'm in Love with the King," "I Have Been Chosen," and "He Hung Upon a Cross." They really enjoy singing all the songs but their favorite is "I Have Been Chosen." They like the song because they get to scream some of the words and as they are children, they love any excuse to scream. It is such a blessing to me to hear them singing about the love of Jesus in such enthustiastic voices.

Last Friday, we had our first all school practice. All the students from E3-E6 went to the gym and sang the songs together. I hope heaven sounds like this day. Voices lifted up in praise to Jesus. People from "every tribe, every tongue, every nation" laying claim to the promises of God:

I have been chosen. I am a child of God,
A royal priesthood, selected by the Lord
To proclaim the excellenct of Him who made me.
And called me from the darkness to the light.

Please continue to pray with me that my students not only sing the words of these songs but they may come to believe them and hear the truth in the words. They are chosen children of God, chosen to love and to be loved by our Savior. Pray they become what they sing, "children of God."

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